Why Teenage Should Spend Time On Social Media

Nowadays where people are scared of the situation that has present on this planet earth, corona virus and now a new strain virus found in the UK. Students of a school in Gurgaon are suffering a lot as they are spending on an average of 6 hours and due to that, they got swollen eyes or pain in their eyes. All are helpless no one can do a thing as the situation is worse instead of getting better. Today I would love to mention that why teens should spend less time on social media.

Social media is a great thing, which allows us to connect to anybody sitting anywhere in the world, say for example if we want to connect to our old school friend then we will simply go to the search tab of Facebook account and by the email id or by name we can get the results from which we can filter according to the place and school.

You are updated with the thing that happens around the world and also the friends which already moved out of India. But sometimes it feels like that by using the more social application we just never realize that half of the day on weekends. I don’t want to say instead of spending the whole day on social media the spending hours can be reduced.


You don’t like to spread any information which is important related to your zone to this world. But you can’t control your emotions, feelings to express on social media apps as you want the attention of other mates and your besties to console your soul. Sharing on social media can leave you speechless and may have lots of consequences. When you share the information which only you and friends know that soon becomes eye-catching content for cyber bullying. That time you don’t know what will happen and how you will react to such information. Any sensitive information shared on such application can ruin one’s life. It will leave the good option to the hackers if you share frequently your real-time location.

Less Comparison

Being active on social media it is impossible for the person who compares the profile of him or her with all other people. This can create serious problems as people only choose to upload pictures, messages at the time of fun or exciting moments. You feel low at the time when your friends go on any trip or vacation and upload their photos on social media applications. The real comparison begins with your personality only that what you are and what you want to do by spending less time. What you see online is not like that, everybody life is not so awesome.

More Time

If you have few minutes in a day then you will love to hop into a virtual world. While if you want to pass your time then just browse the applications. Before you come to know that how much hours have gone while seeing the feeds, news, listening to songs, seeing videos on YouTube and more. You don’t have any idea what best you can have in those important hours, giving 3-4 hours on social media will give you nothing but an addiction.

Spend less time on social media and you have lots of things to do:

·         Exercise

·         Follow your hobby

·         Write anything

·         Mind games

·         Learn a new skill

Meaning Connections

Meaningful relations are important. Although social media helps you to create and maintain ties, it does not encourage close links. With more intimate, face-to-face experiences, you can only do that. On social media, even direct text messages and phone calls are better than communicating with friends! If you have decided to spend your free time on social media then be ready with some useful activity and meaningful connections.

High Level of Happiness

Social media platforms are designed in such a way who so ever uses may get addictive or used to it. They are not for spreading the happy moments but the truth of it just opposite of what you think. The more usage of social media application not only kills the productive time but also affects your mental health, for example, you will never be satisfied when you see someone’s profile and the seed of comparison implants in your brain.

Many studies show that the young minds who are engaged in the social media world are less likely to get depressed. My suggestion is that don’t depend on one thing for your happiness there are a lot of other things through which you can find happiness. Spend your time in seeing the beauty of nature, talk to plants, a journal to make discoveries about your artwork, about yourself and the things you love to collect.

Whether you are in the middle class or upper class in the school, your friends can be benefitted from spending time on such social media applications, but that doesn’t make any sense that you let go your social skills. Spend time but also allow your mind to talk with parents and housemates. Play with them and do some physical activity as by keep on sitting at one place for long hours will make the spine weak. So to live a healthy life it is advised to engage yourself in social circle around your neighborhood, but not more into social media. Click here for more details about schools in gurgaon


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