Online Gambling Sites And Their Tactic For Getting You To Bet

In December of 2021, after an extensive investigation into internet gambling and online casinos, the state of Pennsylvania Attorney General John K. Di Lemme Jr. ordered all online gambling operations, including internet backgammon, to shut down and in addition commanded credit card businesses to cease doing business with online gambling sites. These Attorney General orders resulted from the "IG Enterprises' operation of a massive online gambling site called Betfair." The "IG Enterprises" referred to as the "IG Gracht," which had direct ties to the Russian "Oligarch" and former President of the United States, Bill Clinton. This scandal eventually came to light during an inquiry as to how Secretary of State Clinton's top aides handled classified information on her private email server. The grand jury that looked into the Clinton emails ultimately returned an "unbiased" verdict against Clinton and she was never charged with any wrongdoing by the United States government or anyone else.

Now the question becomes, if these online gambling site owners were not held in such high regard, why did they get slapped with these stiff sentences? The answer is simple: because they were operating an online gambling site, albeit a non-regulated one, in violation of the law. The Internet age has brought about many changes and among those changes have been the emergence of online gambling sites on the World Wide Web. However, some laws and regulations have been rendered obsolete or ineffective because of this technological growth. In particular, there is what is known as the "three-stake rule" which authorizes states to prohibit online gambling even when only one out of three people playing at any given site can be accounted for. This means that if no more than three people are at any given online gambling site, it is not legal to do anything with it, therefore, all online gambling activity and income must be declared illegal.

It is easy to see how this would apply to online gambling sites that offer multiple different types of bonuses. For example, a poker room that offers a fifteen percent bonus to its players every time they play five games will be breaking the three-stake rule, thus, it would be deemed illegal, and the owners could face prison time. In this way of thinking, bonuses, like real money, are the root of all evil. While it is true that bonuses may improve a real money player's chances of winning, it is also true that players may play the bonus in order to wager more real money. In this way, the casinos are being unfair. After all, if you are playing for free, then you have no reason to gamble any more, right?

So why does this have to be so? One of the main reasons is that state governments, fearing the wrath of the law against online gambling, have passed down laws requiring bonuses to be declared illegal. Many times, this means that you cannot claim bonuses of any kind from an online gambling site. This goes against the spirit of the law which is intended to allow people to enjoy their gambling experiences, so long as they follow the rules and do not take part in activities that are against the law. It has gotten to the point where people who are accused of gambling online have to take out an actual casino poker card and prove that they are guilty in order to clear their name.

The problem lies in the fact that many online gambling websites actually list all of their bonuses on their homepage. Players who are caught up in the gameplay will notice that there is a mention of a bonus code combination. The player can then simply input the code to claim their bonus. While this may not technically break the law, it certainly can become a hassle for those who wish to bet legitimately. If a person wants to ensure that they are playing games according to the rules, then it makes sense to read the gameplay as well as look at what the website's terms of service say about bettors. Click here for more details about CMD368

Because many online casinos list all of their bonuses on their homepage, players who are savvy enough to watch the listings will notice the bonus codes listed there. However, because online gambling is still considered to be somewhat taboo, these bonuses may be harder to find and might not be featured on the homepage at all. There are some online gambling sites that have decided to keep their bonuses a closely guarded secret, and they do so by listing them under different names. Players can even try contacting the gaming company to ask about codes for specific games if they are unsure of which bonuses they can qualify for.


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