Thousand Years of Vietnamese History

One thousand years ago, Vietnam was a part of the Han Empire in 2nd century B.C. For over a thousand centuries, Viet Nam remained in the greater China region. For much of that time, the nation was a target of various Chinese dynasties. People struggled to keep the nation's vitality and culture alive, and they fought for independence. This book provides an insightful account of these struggles.

The first war in Vietnam occurred in 1542, but this time it was the French who ruled for a century. In 1651, the Japanese invaded the country and ruled for four years. The French returned and set off a revolution. The French-Vietnamese War ended in 1954, leaving the country divided and a heavily-repressed society. After the war, the United States became involved and the War in Vietnam lasted ten years. Click here for more details about VĂn Hoá

The next era was the French occupation. In the early years of the French colonization, Vietnam was under the Southern Han of China. The Chinese overran the ancient kingdom of Nam-Viet. However, the Vietnamese people continued to fight for their independence. As the country was overrun by the Chinese, the country was unable to develop and prosper. As a result, the Vietnamese people were forced to live under the rule of the French until 938 A.D. The Trung Sisters' Rebellion was a short-lived success.

The Tay Son Rebellion united Vietnam in a state. Ngo Quyen proclaimed himself as Emperor Quang Trung and fought to erase the Nguyen and Trinh tribes. In 1802, the Nguyen Anh seized power and declared himself King, taking the name Gia Long. The Nguyen capital, which is still in Hue, is still standing today. And the Vietnamese empire is a proud nation - a history worth reliving.

The era of the Vietnamese people began at the end of the ninth century, when the Chinese began to dominate the region. From this time, the nation has struggled to gain its independence since then. Its independence from the Chinese continues to be a matter of pride for the Vietnamese. The Communist Party in Vietnam is an intrusion of Western values and ideology. But the new epoch was not without its challenges, which have been rooted in the country's ancient culture.

The Communist Party of Vietnam is a blatantly Western ideology and does not stand for Vietnamese values. It is a foreign ideology and is a total intrusion into the country's history. In other words, it does not represent Vietnamese values. It is an outright invasion of the country. The Communist Party of Vietnam has no basis in Vietnamese history. It is a relic of the Chinese. It is a relic of a nation whose past is lost to the Chinese.


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